Watch this video about Hosea. Like Amos, Hosea prophesied during the reign of King Jeroboam II.
Hosea 1-4 – Listen as you read in your Bible, underlining or highlighting sections that especially speak to you. Then use those sections to journal your thoughts to God.
Hosea 5-9 – Listen/read and journal.
Hosea 10-14 – Listen/read and journal.
2 Kings 15-16 – Listen/read and journal.
Watch this video about Micah. Micah warns of the fall of Samaria in Israel (which we’ll read about next week) and God’s future judgement against Jerusalem.
Micah 1-3 – Listen/read and journal.
Use this video to pray for Brazil.
Proverbs 9 – Listen/read and journal.
Psalm 104 – Listen/read and journal.
Song: How Great Is Our God – Chris Tomlin wrote this song while meditating on Psalm 104. Musicians from around the world join him – jubilant voices from the U.S., Russia, Africa, China together praising our great Father!