Watch this video to understand the word “sin” (Hebrew “khata”); Joseph uses this word when he refuses Potiphar’s wife in Genesis 39:9.
Genesis 39-41 – Listen as you read in your Bible, underlining or highlighting sections that especially speak to you. Then use those sections to journal your thoughts to God.
Genesis 42-43 – Listen/read and journal.
Jesus is a descendant of one of Jacob’s twelve sons. The three oldest are disqualified by their sinful actions. Judah (fourth born) would seem to have been disqualified too. But today’s passage shows a new Judah. Something has happened. He doesn’t blame others; he takes responsibility. He is willing to be imprisoned in Egypt to save his father from misery. As you will read in several days, Judah receives his father’s blessing to be Jesus’ ancestor (“the scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff”). I love this story of transformation and redemption!
Genesis 44-45 – Listen/read and journal.
Song: I’ve Been Redeemed – God desires to redeem us and bring about true transformation, so that we are new. Like Judah, we can be redeemed—freed from captivity to sin and restored to a life-transforming relationship with our Father!
Genesis 46-48 – Listen/read and journal.
Watch this video reviewing Genesis.
Genesis 49-50 – Listen/read and journal.
After you finish, here’s a “50:20 Vision” post to think about.
Watch this video and pray for Gaza Strip and West Bank.
Psalm 11 – Listen/read and journal.
Song: Since I Take Refuge in the LORD – adapted from Psalm 11
Song: Psalm 12