This week you will achieve a major milestone – finishing our through-the-Bible reading with the book of Revelation. Then what?
Journey will have a new format beginning next week.
- The actual weekly readings won’t change. But we will no longer post them weekly. Instead, we’ll modify our current Archive page to become our home page.
- Everyone will start in Genesis (Week 1) and progress through Journey by clicking through the weeks.
We invite you to continue with Journey, and we hope this change will help even more people engage with God’s Word.
Be sure to check out our new Home Page at beginning Monday, March 10th. Then let others know of our flexible, through-the-Bible reading plan. You can begin any time of the year with Genesis, and in about 20 months you will have read the entire Bible.
Revelation 8-11 –Listen as you read in your Bible, underlining or highlighting sections that especially speak to you. Then use those sections to journal your thoughts to God.
Song: Hallelujah Chorus
Revelation 12 –Listen/read and journal.
Song: Overcome
Revelation 13-16 –Listen/read and journal.
Song: Hymn of Heaven
Watch this video about the day of the Lord.
Revelation 17-19 –Listen/read and journal.
Song: Revelation Song
Watch this video about heaven and earth.
Revelation 20-22 –Listen/read and journal.
Song: One Day – (For lyrics, click on subtitles/closed captions.)
Song: Psalm 148
Psalm 149 –Listen/read and journal.
Video: Psalm 150
“‘Look, I am coming soon! … Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.’ … Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.” – Revelation 22:12-20