Watch a review of what we’ve read so far.
Watch a video clip:
Acts 13 – Listen as you read in your Bible, underlining or highlighting sections that especially speak to you. Then use those sections to journal your thoughts to God.
Song: Linger (For lyrics, click on closed captions/subtitles.) – Jesus’ disciples waited in the upper room in prayer, and God sent the Spirit. The church in Antioch took time to worship (verse 2), and the Spirit gave them direction. How are you lingering in His presence, worshipping and listening?
Watch 2 video clips:
Acts 14 – Listen/read and journal.
Song/Prayer: The Lord’s Prayer – How are you participating with God for the coming of His kingdom? What does it look like for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven?
Watch this to better understand the divide between Jews and Gentiles.
Watch 2 video clips:
Acts 15 – Listen/read and journal.
Song: Holy Spirit Breathe New Life in Me – Are there divisions or disagreements that are separating you from others? Have you asked God His perspective on the situation?
Watch 2 video clips:
Acts 16 – Listen/read and journal.
Song: Raise A Hallelujah – How did Paul and Silas respond when they were beaten and put in prison? Not with fear or discouragement, but with confidence in God’s goodness. They prayed and sang to Him! How could they do this?
Watch 2 video clips:
Acts 17 – Listen/read and journal.
Song: Firm Foundation – The disciples encountered great difficulties. How will you stand firm when you encounter trouble?
Watch this video and pray for the United States.
Song: Psalm 29
Psalm 32 – Listen/read and journal.
Song: Blessed – based on Psalm 32