As we read Hebrews this week, “The Tabernacle” pamphlet will be helpful for background information on the tabernacle, sacrifices, and the high priest.
Hebrews 1-2 – Listen as you read in your Bible, underlining or highlighting sections that especially speak to you. Then use those sections to journal your thoughts to God.
Song: How Great Is Our God – sung in Jerusalem in the Hebrew language
Psalm 95 – Listen/read and journal
This psalm, quoted in today’s reading, refers to the time of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt when they quarreled (“Meribah”) and tested (“Massah”) the LORD. Moses struck the rock and God gave water (Exodus 17:1-7). Then read Hebrews 3-6
Song: Before the Throne of God Above [Tommy Walker Heb 4]
Hebrews 7-9 –Listen/read and journal.
Hebrews 10-11 –Listen/read and journal.
Song: Genesis – Bread Without Cost
Watch this video which reviews and compares the message of Hebrews and James.
Hebrews 12-13 –Listen/read and journal.
Use this video to pray for Indonesia.
Proverbs 24 –Listen/read and journal.
Psalms 122-123 –Listen/read and journal.
Song: To You, I Lift Up My Eyes – based on Psalm 123