Refer to the Kings Chart at the back of your Journey Journal while reading about the kings of Judah and Israel. You can also print one here; fold it in half to keep it handy in your Bible.
2 Chronicles 1-4 –Listen as you read in your Bible, underlining or highlighting
sections that especially speak to you. Then use those sections to journal your thoughts to God.
Read this post: “Why Did Solomon Ask for Wisdom?”
2 Chronicles 5-6 –Listen/read and journal.
Song: Psalm 30 – David had hoped to build the temple, but God told him it was to be built by his son. So David assisted by gathering building materials and even wrote this dedication psalm.
2 Chronicles 7-9 –Listen/read and journal.
2 Chronicles 10-13 –Listen/read and journal.
2 Chronicles 14-17 –Listen/read and journal.
Song: God I Look to You – When the enemy threatens to attack, King Asa calls to the LORD and relies on Him.
Use this video to pray for Peru.
Psalm 132 (w/ 2 Chronicles 6) –Listen/read and journal.
Psalm 136 –Listen/read and journal.