2 Chronicles 18-20 –Listen as you read in your Bible, underlining or highlighting
sections that especially speak to you. Then use those sections to journal your thoughts to God.
Song: Raise a Hallelujah – As God’s people began to sing and praise, God set ambushes against their enemies.
2 Chronicles 21-23 –Listen/read and journal.
2 Chronicles 24-25 –Listen/read and journal.
2 Chronicles 26-28 –Listen/read and journal.
2 Chronicles 29-30 –Listen/read and journal.
Use this video to pray for Papua New Guinea.
Psalm 138 – David chooses to praise the LORD, and even when he walks through trouble, God preserves him. Listen/read and journal.
Song: Surrounded – When Jehoshaphat was surrounded by the enemy he placed men praising God at the head of his army (2 Chronicles 20:21). Even though we may feel surrounded by trouble, God’s love and presence surrounds those who trust in Him. Choose to trust Him in your difficult circumstances as you worship Him with this song.
Song: Psalm 139:1-6
Song: Psalm 139:7-16
Song: Psalm 139:17-24